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As detailed below, individual scholarships have varying eligibility requirements as established by their donors; however, the following guidelines apply to all scholarships. Applicants shall:

1. Be active members of Triangle Fraternity enrolled in a course of study leading to a degree and shall be initiated undergraduates in the school year following their application.

2. Have completed at least two full academic years of school as of the time of award, which is generally the summer after application.

3. Have maintained, as of time of application, at least a 3.0/4.0 GPA (except those notated below).

4. Demonstrate financial need and be able to demonstrate that within the restrictions of his present course of study he is now making a personal effort to earn part of the cost of his education.

5. Demonstrate appropriate social skills, by active involvement with his chapter, on his campus and in the community.


The Triangle Education Foundation (TEF), through the generosity of alumni brothers and others, is able to award scholarships to deserving active members of Triangle Fraternity who excel in the areas of academics, Chapter leadership and campus/community involvement. Over 20 scholarships are awarded annually to Triangles who will be undergraduates in the year following the award.


The deadline for the 2025-2026 application year ends on March 28th. 


All general correspondence can be directed to:

Chairman, Scholarship & Loan Committee
Triangle Education Foundation
120 South Center Street
Plainfield, IN 46168

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